Wednesday, June 9, 2010

JayJon's clients making their mark and having their say in the world through their popular blog spots!

Living your life like it's golden is an understatement for Erin Maxine Lee! She is living her life like it's platinum laced with diamonds in mind, body, and SPIRIT! Spinning around in  high end couture fashions, educating herself daily in world, humanity, and business affairs with the motto that you can not be FABULOUS WITHOUT BEING SMART, this beautiful classy, wardrobe stylist through her blog  is every young ladies "Fierce Fairy God sister!"

Eyes Of Phases or EOP  eats, sleep, breathes, and even bleeds MUSIC! He savours and delights in all styles of music from indie, mainstream, to international beats and lyrics. If you love GOOD MUSIC, this engineer and international music producer has it for you! EOP listens, learns, and shares his knowledge and treasures to the world on his blog,!

Check out both blogs weekly! I promise you will not be disappointed!

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